Introduction to the award
Prince Muhammad bin Fahd University (PMU) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the well-known , distinguished universities in the field of research and the use of modern technologies to develop scientific research in a way that serves the Kingdom's ambition to search for excellence, and to serve the Saudi and Arab society in general in various fields of knowledge, society and economy. The PMU has decided to participate in the global competition in research, leadership and innovation in order to occupy the position it aspires to among the regional and international Arab universities. Among the methods adopted by Prince Muhammad bin Fahd University (PMU) is encouraging scientific research in the Arab world and motivating capable researchers in their work to innovate and lead by supporting their financial capabilities to participate in the competition. This award is the culmination of its goals and plans in drawing real milestones that pave the way for serious scientific research in various fields. No university in the Arab world is excluded from this, because its officials believe that scientific research and technological development is a participatory renaissance mission between universities and individuals, and that the benefits of this research will reflect its beneficial to all Arab societies. It considered that the Association of Arab Universities is the appropriate institution that can lead this march and supervise this prestigious scientific activity, given the Association’s pioneering role in coordination between Arab universities, and its long experience in embodying the great objectives of the Association’s that it has drawn since its establishment to serve the Arab nation, , develop scientific research, the Arabic language, and our true Islamic religion.
Objectives of the Award
تهدف الجائزة إلى الارتقاء بعدة معايير منها
Award cash value
1. جائزة أفضل إنتاج علمي في البحث العلمي بقيمة (75.000) ألف دولار مقسمة إلى:
• الجائزة الثانية: بقيمة (25.000) خمسة وعشرين ألف دولار
2. جائزة أفضل إنتاج علمي في الريادة والابتكار بقيمة (75.000) ألف دولار مقسمة إلى:
• الجائزة الثانية: بقيمة (25.000) خمسة وعشرين ألف دولار
.3. جائزة أفضل إنتاج علمي جامعي في التقنية والتحول الرقمي بقيمة (75.000) ألف دولار مقسمة إلى:
• الجائزة الثانية: بقيمة (25.000) خمسة وعشرين ألف دولار
.4. جائزة أفضل مشروع بحثي مشترك بين جامعات عربية وجامعات دولية بقيمة (100.000) ألف دولار مقسمة إلى:
5. جائزة أفضل بحث علمي يخدم التنمية المجتمعية في إطار أهداف التنمية المستدامة بقيمة (75.000) ألف دولار مقسمة إلى:
• الجائزة الثانية: بقيمة (25.000) خمسة وعشرين ألف دولار
.6. جائزة أفضل براءة اختراع بقيمة (75.000) ألف دولار مقسمة إلى:
• الجائزة الثانية: بقيمة (25.000) خمسة وعشرين ألف دولار
.. 7. جائزة أفضل مشروع تخرج لطلاب المرحلة الجامعية الأولى بقيمة (25.000) ألف دولار
• الجائزة الثانية: بقيمة (25.000) خمسة وعشرين ألف دولار
General conditions for the university's research production for research nominated for the award:
Award terms
• The subject of the research should be within the framework of the global goals of sustainable development and subject to development.
If the joint research leads to a patent for a product, the support received from the award determines the contribution of the Association of Arab Universities to the commercial value of this research after the determination of the property right for it by international institutions that issue intellectual property rights and patents for this research at a percentage determined for each project. According to the stipulation of the contract concluded by the three parties in the adoption clause
the research shall be subject to a scientific, practical and field evaluation by a specialized team in the research subject
In respect of the best award for a joint scientific research project, the nominated project must have been submitted to the university as part of a research team, scientific laboratory, or other scientific body affiliated with the university, and in partnership with more than one Arab university.
and in partnership with more than one Arab university.
- The subject of the research should be within the framework of the global goals of sustainable development and subject to development.
- If the joint research leads to a patent for a product, the support received from the award determines the contribution of the Association of Arab Universities to the commercial value of this research after the determination of the property right for it by international institutions that issue intellectual property rights and patents for this research at a percentage determined for each project. According to the stipulation of the contract concluded by the three parties in the adoption clause
- the research shall be subject to a scientific, practical and field evaluation by a specialized team in the research subject
How to apply for the award
When applying for the award, the nominated university must send the award secretariat the following documents
- 1. A brief overview of the university and its most important achievements, with a summary explaining the nature of the nominated work, its exact specialization, and the extent to which it fulfills the aforementioned conditions.
- 2. Curriculum vitae of the candidates through their university, accompanied by a photograph of them.
- 3. A clear copy of the passports of the candidates.
- Download the award nominated “research” PDF file via the award website.
- The winning universities are announced at the award ceremony.
latest news
The first meeting of The Board of Trustees of Prince Muhammad Bin Fahd University Award was held at Ain Shams University
اتحاد الجامعات العربية يعقد اجتماع مجلس أمناء جائزة الأمير محمد بن فهد في جامعة عين شمس عقد اتحاد الجامعات العربية وجامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد